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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

3 Godly influences in my life

God's been good to me throughout this journey with him for the past 2 years plus since I've become a christian. Although he is still a mystery power to me, I've learnt to trust in the lord and learn to let go of many things in life. Many ideals, many tough attitudes and lousy characters of mine have since been wiped out or still in the process of getting dealt with. In short these are the 3 main changes I've seen in myself:

1. Having been someone who always have a 'heart of steel' and finds it hard to shed a tear, I've become a more emotional person and find myself getting moved easily and tears will just wet my eyes when I come across an emotional scene or story, either in real life or in movies. I don't know why I've changed in this aspect, perhaps I've encountered the touch of God many times during services and worship that I can't help but cry. Many a times I've also been a broken spirit before god and will just cry out loud in my prayers. Perhaps when I've done these often enough, I've become more sensitive to God and learn to be more empathetic and less judgmental towards others.

2. God helps me to be a more generous person. After tithing faithfully for 2 years, the power of money in my life has loosen its grip. I learn how to let go of money and give to God and to bless others. I can't say that I'm completely out of the influence of money and of course I still need to improve on this, but it is definitely not as important to me now as before and parting with my money is not as difficult as it was. The main issue God's dealing with me now is my time, he wants me to be more generous with my time for his purpose, which I have to admit that I'm still struggling with and learning how to be more 'time' generous.

3. God changes my thoughts and desire towards marriage. Once I yearned for finding the right man, or rather any kind of man who feels right for me. Now, I desire to find a good christian man who knows God dearly, be willing to be lead by the lord and will learn to love me like the way Jesus loves us. I never had such desire before but since becoming a Christian, my desire for such marriage has become my vision and I believe God has given me this desire, otherwise I will not feel strongly for it.

I know there will be more changes coming my way as I learn to walk with him. People always say it is not a bed of roses to be a christian but it is definitely an exciting journey. I used to think to myself what this means, but now I know the exciting part means the good, the bad and the ugly all happening together but always towards a positive outcome God has planned out for me. The changes I've seen in my myself, God's intervention, blessing and miracles in my life and waiting upon God , my failures, mistakes and struggles before God are all part of this exciting path I need to embark on my own, but not alone because God is always with me.

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