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Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Living with confidence!

I'm reading 2 books " Being Happy" and "Follow Your Heart" by Andrew Matthews.

I have to say that these are absolutely great books! The way he wrote the books are in a light-hearted, humorous & everyday manner that we can all relate to. If you are finding the way to living life to the fullest, you HAVE TO read these books!! Yup..action is not all....we've got to start from our mind first when its comes to living to the fullest.

Just want to share with you some of the stuff from what I've gained in these books..

Change is difficult. The action of a poor self image is always to perpetuate itself. As we start on the road to self improvement, the tendency is to keep replaying the old patterns of blame, guilt & self denigration. Here are some suggestions for things that you can do to boost the way you feel about yourself:

1. Accept compliments - always say thank you or words to that effect.

2.Give compliments - one of the easiest ways to feel good about ourselves is to recognise the beauty in others.

3. Always speak well of yourself - If you have nothing good to say about yourself, keep your mouth shut!

4. Praise yourself - when you do something right, give yourself a pat on the back. Acknowledge your value.

5. Separate your behaviour from yourself - realise that behaviour is not connected to your self-worth. If you do something silly, like smash into another person's car, it doesn't make you a bad person. You simply make a mistake. (Love the sinner, hate the sin).

6. Treat your body well - It is the only one you have got. Everything we do affects everything else. Exercise & norish it well.

7. Let people know how you expect to be treated - in particular, set an example by the way you treat yourself and them. Nobody should accept abuse from anybody!

8. Get around good people.

9. Work at having pleasure without guilt > Use Affirmations (Eg. I deserve to pamper myself.)

10. Read books which give you ideas and inspiration (I personally find that this really helps!! Constant reading and learning changes me for the better..this is the first step to living the life you want..everything starts from your mind..once your mindset is changed..you will forever be changed for the better and you'll find ways to go towards your ideal life!)

11. Always picture in your mind how you want to be, not how you are. You will then necessarily gravitate toward your dominant thoughts.

Points to ponder:

Disasters aren't so disastrous if we tackle them a piece at a time. Also, the sooner we recognise that we stand to gain from the experience, the easier it is to deal with. You see..failures are actually good for us coz it makes us stronger from the experience..if we don'r fail..we don't learn from our mistakes..if you fail 99 times..you'll learn 99 ways how not to fail and you succeed on the 100th attempt!

The unique thing about being human is that we get to experience so much more. We can create something out of nothing. Pigs don't write music. Dogs don't build companies. Shellfish don't go to movies. The package deal in being human involves problems, and it also means we get to love, to laugh, to cry, to try, to get up and to fall down and get up again.


So remember..everyone of us get 24 hrs a day..and we all have limited time on earth..it's how you choose to utilize your time to make your life more meaningful..instead of spending your time and energy on these negative thoughts..why not turn them around to propel you in life and live it to the fullest?