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Saturday, January 22, 2005

The amazing dream...

Song spinning now: S.E.N.S - Flying

Some things just amaze me. Whenever I write something here, I never really expect anyone will read it except me, well maybe for a few people who knew about my blog.

I just found out recently that one of the blogs that I wrote in May 17th 2004 titled 'Tribute to Yida' was actually read by Yida himself! Gosh Yida..I don't know how you find your way here but I'm really glad that you had read it. Its okay if you can't remember me and weina, we are really happy that you have finally realise your dream after coming a long way, believe in yourself and never never give up! :)

This is actually a personal blog for myself whenever I have certain special feelings and sentiments. I always find that putting these thoughts and feelings into words is something wonderful because I can always come back and revive them.

I'm absolutely surprised that so many Yida's fans had come here to read the blog that I wrote after he posted my blog address in his forum! I mean its totally unexpected. Many of them are not that good in English and the fact that they made an effort to read word by word really touches me! A lot of them were also touched by what I wrote about Yida's difficult 9-year journey and unwavering determination to realise his dream. I'm really touched that my blog had stir up lots of emotions in many of his fans from different countries and help them think about their own passion in life..and also help Yida's fans to appreciate him even more! :) Although this is just a small matter, it increases my confidence in my ability to make a positive impact in other people. It inspired me to do even more and help other people to do more too.

Now I understand why some of the great artistes of our times like Madonna, Mariah Carey and Stefanie Sun tend to push themselves to do more. They are so touched by their fans and this in turn inspire them to excel further because they want to bring more joy and happiness to more people. Making great, inspiring music becomes their mission in life.

Its wonderful to learn how passionate these fans are, some are really sweet to show concern for the 'author' as well. Its also funny to learn that many of his fans thought that I'm a guy..haha. Anyway, they also hope that I can find my own passion soon. At that time I ended off the blog by saying I'm still searching for my passion and will not give up till I found it. Well for now, I can be proud to say that I've finally know what I want to pursue and I've never been more alive!

When you know what you want, you form a goal and pursue it relentlessly. It makes you proactive and live life like an adventure. When you are at this stage, you will feel a strong zest for life and had a strong mission to live life to the fullest. Suddenly, you feel important because you are building something big and you know the moment will be divine when your hard work bears fruit.

I think the key to happiness is to do something you love and strongly believe in that will not only bring joy to yourself, but also to other people. Something that will help and positively impact other people to feel good about life!

I guess this is something which will fulfill the spiritual need that everyone has. Without spreading love to others, there is no happiness. :)

To view Yida's response to my blog, go to: http://www.yi7da.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=40837#40837

and to read his fan's response after reading my blog, go to:
http://www.sonymusic.com.tw/pop/yida/index_06.php , search for message #36271 or go to page 250,249,248....in descending order.

Till the next post...

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Yes You Can!

Below is a wonderful article on positive self talk from Mike Brescia - a very inspiration figure and wonderful life coach.

Its true, positive self-talk is very very effective, I'm practising that everyday and this positive mindset that I've cultivated slowly had greatly improved my personal growth and performance. When you reach this state, its like you redefine your reality,throw your old beliefs and form new ones. In fact, you REFUSE to revert back to your old harmful thoughts!

Some advice here to cultivate a permanent positive mindset: never stop reading..never stop learning..keep an open mind, talk or mix with positive people, compliment others, keep smiling, seek first to understand people before doing or saying anything, always think that things happen for a reason and most importantly..do and say everything from the heart.

When you work hard to reach this state of mind..there's no turning back because your core values had changed. So guys..do it now for a new you! Good luck!


Today's Empowering Quote:

"I've said many times, to myself, 'This is going to be no problem. I've done this before.'"--Tiger Woods

Today's Empowering Question:

"What memory can I use in this situation that will give me a reference point for the right attitude towards a successful outcome?"

Man, what a great day this is going to be, huh? Ready? Say yes...

It's very well known that Tiger Woods uses a very specific kind of self talk. He talks himself into staying calm attimes when others are literally trembling inside (outside,too!). He's not a wizard. He simply talks to himself in away that encourages him.

He says, "I can" and that type of talk opens up the door marked "memory of past success."

And you know what? When you talk to yourself, you listen.

No matter what you say, you're listening... and recording it in your memory. And when you put thoughts into your mind, they CAN be rejected.

However, if you do it often enough and they'rethe right thoughts, your mind - your subconscious mind -will ultimately bring you around to believing whatever youtell it.

How many times have you heard a thing-it could be anything--and your first reaction was one of complete disbelief:

You can earn your degree-"I don't have the time"

You can be a size 6 again-"Yeah, right.

I've had two kids and just can't lose that weight."

You can be in really great shape-"Who, me? I get out ofbreath climbing one flight of stairs."

You can advance at work-"I'm just a pee-on. No one notices me."

Some things are just hard to believe at first......Until you've been exposed to those same thoughts overand over and over again.

Advertisers know this--that's whythe same commercials are run constantly. Soon, after some repetition, you open up a little to the possibility.

"Could be..."Then, perhaps your belief gets a little boost."

Hmmmn, well, maybe I do have time to take one course at the community college at night."

"You know, I've just cut back on soda and I've lost 3pounds!"

"Walking around the block with my neighbor is kind of fun,and I don't get as winded as I used to."

"I've been trying harder at my job and guess what-the boss paid me a very nice compliment on my work!"

At this point, a wonderful cycle has begun. As your belief gets stronger, you'll do a little more, then your belief gets stronger, then you'll do a little more, etc.

Positive, encouraging and optimistic self-talk is literally the software program that can flip your switch from lose to win in any area of life. It may not be "true"today. But with the right words and the right emotion -and with repetition - you simply must change. It's unavoidable.

Your brain won't let you lie to yourself for too long before it says, "Ya know, I DO like getting up at 5:30 to exercise."

Bingo! This is a very important topic, so we'll have to pick it up later... very soon, in fact.In the meantime, use some or all of these statements below to actually help to re-script your old worn out beliefs about yourself and help make you LIKE the process of changing your unsupportive, false and disempowering beliefs.

-- I look forward to making my life even better
-- My subconscious mind remembers my successes and helps me repeat them
-- Daily success is good for me and I embrace it
-- I replay my successes in my mind regularly
-- I hold the memory of my successes close so I can access the feelings when I need them