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Saturday, January 12, 2008

My Spiritual Journey (12 Jan 08)

Live a life of servanthood for GOD, for his kingdom and for his glory.

God makes us the HEAD and not the tail.

Be persistent in your prayers and KNOW that GOD will answer them in due time. Sow lots of faith, persistence and patience in your prayers and you shall reap! (Luke 18:1-8)

The key to success is to be humble, listen more than talk and don't be quick to react, always take the lower position and deny yourself (Luke 18:14)

We must always come with a believing, trusting, innocent and anticipating attitude towards our walk with GOD, just like little children (Luke 18:17)

Take good care of what GOD has given you (your money, valuables, talents, gifts etc) and put them to good and productive use. Do not ever take them for granted for these belong to GOD, it is GOD who put them in you, it is not because of luck or your own ability. If they are misused, GOD has the right to take them away from you and give them to someone else more deserving in his eyes. (Luke 19:26)

Surely you will have enemies and experience betrayal and persecution in life, but you will never need to worry or fear, just stand stand firm knowing you have GOD as backing and he will deliver you. (Luke 21:19)

When you are dreaded with fear and worry, you can't hear GOD even if he is trying to call out to you. Calm you mind and your thoughts and you will receive GOD. When you felt your heart burning over a message that you hear or saw in the Bible, it is GOD speaking to you, take heed. Act with faith after you hear GOD's message, run after your GOD given goals! (Luke 24:17-33)

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