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Monday, May 17, 2004

Sliding Doors

Song playing now: Greenday - Redundant

If you have watched 'Sliding Doors'(1998), you probably will be thinking what will happen to your life should you take the other path at the junction.

A little introduction to 'Sliding doors': It is about the life of a young London girl (played by Gywneth Paltrow)who is being fired from her job. With nowhere to go except home in that depressing morning, she heads for the train station. When the sliding door of the tube starts to shut on her as she rushes for it,what will happen if she made it for the train? On the flipside, how will life turn out if she hasn't made it? The plot is split into these two scenerios showing both sides of the coin consecutively. One can expect two different endings to each scenerio and unexpected twists of fate in each storyline. Its a good movie..highly recommended.

Back to the main topic now, have you wondered where you will be and how you will turn out to be if you have chosen 'that' instead of 'this' years ago?

Sometimes I wondered how will things turn out now if I opt to study in a Polytechnic or Lasalle instead of going to College after my O' levels. If I go on to take a diploma, I'll probably choose Business or a design related course, have a different group of friends, received other influences, cultivated different perceptions and learnt different set of life's realities as compared to what I've been through so far.

Well if I graduated from Lasalle, probably I have a lot of funky friends who are the typical Zouk cheongsters, party like there's no tomorrow, filled the conversations with arty farty topics over coffee, working in the fashion industry and have aspiration of a well respected fashion designer, where young girls and guys look up to me! Hah..but this is just my self made reality..it might turn out worse than now..or maybe better...who knows?

Then again, have I not been to college, I won't get to know my 3 lovely friends - Gamie,Missy Lam and Kassy. The 4 of us actually knew each other in NYJC for 1st 3 months and we happened to sit next to each other in the assembly hall during the 1st week, and then somehow we managed to get this yearbook and so we start ogling over cute seniors in the yearbook! That's how we became a group, but subsequently Kassy went to VJC while the 3 of us went to CJC. I will say our friendship is pretty unique because of the way we met; how all of us didn't stay in NYJC but are still friends after all these years! Gosh..how time flies! Those memories are still so fresh in my mind..no wonder my accounts tutor keep saying I must enjoy my 2 yrs in college because time will pass very quickly and before you know it, you'll start missing the college days because it only happened once.

Have I not been to college, I will never relate to 'The Teenage Textbook' and carry those silly 'act cute' accessories from Far East Plaza that are so popular among CJ gals. I will not know how stupid college Vdays are and how sweet and funny college crushes feel like, and how we make college life fun by 'bioing' the cute guys and gossiping about others..haha

Lastly have I not been to college, I might not even go to Perth to study Mass Communications, it a course which I didn't consider all along until one fine day I felt that since everyone is taking Business, I should take something different and difficult to get in! What did I get out of it? Not only was I exposed to lots of humanities studies but also a different way of life, which opened up my mind, expanded my thinking substantially and changed my entire personality upside down! Ultimately, I grew to like Perth a lot and I still missed my carefree and slow paced days there..

So here I am, a Murdoch Grad in Mass Communications who still don't quite understand what I've studied so far! Sometimes I still think that I'm lagging behind somehow and has not achieved much, and that I should discipline myself to focus on some goals in an attempt to straighten my life.

Anyway, life is too short to ponder hard over such things. There are always paths to choose, decisions to make and things to prioritize. I used to be those 'what-if' person who often look back at things when things go wrong and start to sulk at my perceived 'bad' decisions. I have since learnt that everything happens for a reason and that whatever things we do, people we encounter and things we experienced along the way are the means for us to grow. All I can say that I'm still in the process of learning about myself. We may feel like we have made a wrong move or do not like what we see now, but as long as we treat every lesson and encounter a learning experience cum fine-tuning of self, I believe we will feel proud of what we have become someday.

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